Simplette Stylesheet Demo

Simplette is a relatively basic CSS stylesheet whose main purpose is to provide a simple and yet functional set of styles that make it easier to generate web pages with a consistent appearance.
It started as a simple temporary stylesheet in the Simple-Chan project and was re-used and improved in multiple projects before getting its own dedicated repository that you are visiting today.

One of the main "advantages" is the fact that there is no hidden margins paddings or spacings, you have to manually toggle/enable them when and where you want them.
This might seem a bit cumbersome, but it makes it easier to generate a web page with a consistent appearance without having to fight the stylesheet itself.
And whatever spacing you chose to enable will always be the same value: 1em or 15px (Expect for the ".nice-border" and ".space-vert-small" classes)

It is also released into the public domain so that you can use it without having to bother about licensing.

Base: Requires "simplette.base.min.css" to be linked.

Grid: Requires "simplette.grid.min.css" to be linked or "$grid-include-in-main" set to true.

Fancy: Requires "simplette.fancy.min.css" to be linked or "$fancy-include-in-main" set to true.

Base :: Headings

Using Elements - By using the <h1> to <h6> elements. (Automatic line-break)

H1 heading element

H2 heading element

H3 heading element

H4 heading element

H5 heading element
H6 heading element

Using Classes - By using the .h1 to .h6 classes in a <span> element. (No automatic line-break)

H1 heading class H2 heading class H3 heading class H4 heading class H5 heading class H6 heading class

Base :: Text & Paragraphs - A margin is added between every paragraph, see the first paragraph

Single line paragraph: You can use ".auto-paragraph-margin" on the container to automate the paragraph spacing.

Multi line paragraph:
If you don't add the aforementioned class, you will have to manually add <br> elements in between paragraphs.
A line-break is added at the end automatically in both cases.

Unparagraphed text, it has no automatic line-return. (2 <br> elements required at the end to get the same spacing between paragraphs)

Paragraphed link

Unparagraphed link (2 <br> elements required)

Inline link example

Decorated text via elements:
  Normal Bold Italic Underline Striketrough

Decorated text via classes:
  Normal Bold Italic Underline Striketrough Oblique Overline
  Classes have the same name as the text shown above.

Justified text can be done with the ".justified" class.
No example is shown here to make this paragraph easier to read.
See the grid section for an example of justified text.

By using the <sup> and <sub> elements, you can create some inline supertext and subtext in a paragraph.

Base :: Containers

Borders are shown for the demo with a special class defined in the demo page and the ".frame" class.
The light border represents the parent container, and the dark one is the container that may have margins and uses the described classes.

Simple div with no container class (Uses the full width and has no margin)

.magin-container ⇨ 15px of margin on all sides - (Left and right can be disabled on portrait mobile when combined with the ".no-mobile-indent" class)

.indent-container ⇨ 15px of margin on left - (Can also be disabled with the ".no-mobile-indent" class, see above)

.spacing-container ⇨ 15px of margin on top and bottom

Base :: Lists

Link lists

By creating a list with the ".link-list" class, every entry will be presented in the following inline format.
Be aware that nested and inline lists are not supported by this class yet !

Base :: Details

A simple <details> element

My content

A simple <details> element with a margin integrated in the summary

It avoids having to use yet another container.
You simply have to add the ".space-vert-small" class to the summary.

Base :: Forms (Unfinished)



Base :: Helpers

The classes are applied to a container "<div>" element contained in a grid cell to help with visualisation.

Text with ".tl" or ".text-left".

Text with ".tr" or ".text-right".

Text with ".fl" or ".float-left", "<div>" becomes dynamically sized.

Text with ".fr" or ".float-right", "<div>" becomes dynamically sized.

Text with ".fl" or ".float-left", and ".full-width", "<div>" stays at full width. Has sizing issues however

Grid :: Grid

Every <div> element with the ".grid" class will be considered as a grid.
You can also choose its internal size by using the ".col-4", ".col-8" or ".col-12" classes for 4, 8 and 12 columns respectively.

Afterward, each cell has to be a <div> element with the ".cell" class.
You can specify their size by using the ".from-N" and ".to-N" classes where N is a number between 1 and the maximum amount of columns.

Rows are also automatically created when using the full row.
Alternatively, you can simple create a new <div> element and use it as another row.

Default: non-spaced cell that contain justified text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.

Spaced: Uses the ".spaced" class on the <div> element with the ".grid" class.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecta adipis elit. Sed eu tortor placerat justo feugiat finibus.

Fancy :: Gradient

<div> element with the ".gradient-background" class.
<div> element with the ".gradient-background" and ".flipped" class.
Feel the vaporwave...
Hmmm, 90s title bars...

Fancy :: Borders - They are a bit wider for some reason, this will be fixed later.

<div> element with ".nice-border" class. (Thickness: 2px)

<div> element with ".nice-border" and ".inverted" classes.

Same element as above with the ".thick" class added. (Thickness: 4px)

Same element as above with the ".thick" class added.

Same element as above with the ".low-res" class added.

Same element as above with the ".low-res" class added.

The thick border uses a higher resolution image and can be made to use that same one as the default one by setting "$border-image-save-space" to true in "scss/abstract/options.scss".
This can help save around 570 bytes in the final compiled stylesheet and removes the ".low-res" class.

The smoothing can also be configures with "$border-use-smooth-scaling" if you use the low-res version.

Fancy :: Frame

This is a normal frame

This is a "<div>" element with the ".frame" class.
The frame also has the ".spaced" and ".padded" classes to ensure no elements overlap.
The margin on top is 0.5em for the title, and the inner padding is 0.5em on all sides to keep a consistent look if no title is used when you have a top margin or previous paragraph margin.

The frame also contains a "<div>" element with the ".title" class to get a WinForm-style title.

This is a dark frame

This frame was simply given the ".dark" class.

You can also add a stylish arrow in the title by adding the ".fun" class to the parent frame.

This paragraph or any other element is glued to the top of the frame below since the ".auto-paragraph-margin" class is not used.


Text here.

This frame simply does not use the ".spaced" and ".padded" classes.

Frame done with a "<fieldset>" element which has the ".frame" class.

The label can be done like the other ones or with the "<legend>" element.
And you can put your content in here in the exact same way as the other type of frames.