Drawing of an old computer with a warning sign shown on its screen.

CircuitPython Ebyte E32 Library

CircuitPython driver for Ebyte’s E32 UART LoRa modules that use the SX1278/SX1276 chipsets.


  • Supports all standard E32 UART modules.

  • Extra support on a per-frequency and per-power basis:

    • More descriptive constants for TX power.

    • Maximum packet size calculators. (TODO)

    • Entirely optional via separate modules.

  • Minified versions for devices with tiny storage space:

    • ~75% smaller for .py files

    • ~5% smaller for .mpy files (Due to shortened local variables, mostly)


  • No built-in packet size limit:

    • Wildly different between frequencies & operating parameters.

    • Not documented clearly enough in LoRA and LoRaWAN documentation.

  • No built-in protocol:

    • All LoRa packets are glued back-to-back when received.

    • No LoraWAN support

  • Missing support for some modules:

    • Modules with 170, 400 and 900 prefix. (Will improve overtime)



This project is licensed under the MIT license.

Table of Contents

API Reference

Indices and tables